Here is my one year report:
PSA - <.1 (same as the 3 month mark test results). Hoping for many more.
Incontinence - 99.99% dry! Every now and then there is a little drop here and there. Consider it negligible.
ED - Some days better than others but I have my ' At will' functionality back. I'd say average 90-96% pre-op back. Ocassionally for reasons I am yet to identify and exploit I am even at 100%. No ED medications!
Lessons learned:
1. Incontinence will generally resolve itself. Be patient
2. ED recovery - It toos shall pass. employ any means necessary. Viagra for therapy made (and it was expensive too!) me sick so I stopped. Pump was good but cumbersome. Finally gave myself a dose of 'adult visuals' twice a day (call it vitamin X). Morning and evening. If the objective was to get blood down there, this accomplished it. And of course wife helped a great deal. of course she never saw (caught) me taking vitamin x.
3. and perhaps the most important: Start with a good doctor!!