Yeah you said you just wanted to love your wife, I guess in biblical sense and as an action verb, I understand. Well first off I did 2 yrs. of ADT3 and unique radiations before switching to effect the flag was at half staff and didn't wave to good even in breeze, although I never tried tri-mix and was not diligent about
e.d. meds, tried them a little and did some improvement but not enough to click my heels...ya know what I'm sayin! (so I didn't have the luxury of the flight testing-LOL)
So, I cannot answer in perfection, but probably in the beginning of it yes, should work normal for awhile, eventually your T levels gets to near zero and there goes your hero I will presume along with that. But, tri-mix or drugs who knows, alot of guys herein know that area and I don't. Maybe they can stimulate some conversation on such and rise to the occassion (LOL).
I doubt your doc will endorse using it, but you never know. You might point to doctor Lee's long term success, it is another estrogenic drug.
You might have to sacrifice when going on PCa treatments, so that is a heads up.