Fairwind said...
I just finished talking at length about this with my R-doc and he was of the opinion (through years of experience and careful study) that while combined Brachytherapy and IGRT can indeed produce high cure rates, (but not significantly higher than IGRT alone, all things being equal), the acute side-effect risk climbs to unacceptable levels.
What does your R-doc do? IGRT/IMRT by itself or seeds + IGRT?
My take on the literature is that brachytherapy + IMRT has a significantly higher cure rate than IGRT alone.
As for side effects I have virtually none from seeds (11-2009) + IMRT (3-2010) at this point. All of my side effects are due to HT. Personally I will trade no side effects now (with a higher cure rate), for possible side effects in the future (with a lower cure rate), any day of the week.