I am wrestling wiith this very question, and in fact I'll even refine the question. So far, I am not in need of SRT, but that could easily change. If it does, I want to have a plan in place. Part of that plan is in place: I will make an appointment with Dr. Hussein a top-notch medical oncologist at Umich., about
2 hours from my house.
But, if I need srt, supposedly the best place is at Umich. But our local hospital is a major mid-Michigan regional medical center. Supposedly they have a top-notch radiation department. According to a doctor friend of mine, he would stay local because they have the exact same equipment at Umich and the radiation docs are very good.
So, my refined question: assuming the equipment is the same, do I stay here? In other words, assuming a good vs. a top-notch radiation expert with the same equipment, is it a big difference? I really would like to stay 10 minutes away rather than 2 hours away. If I did go to Ann Arbor (Umich) I would probably look at renting a place and just come home for long weekends. I would have to be convinced that it is worth it, medically-speaking.