This was on the CNN website today: have no opinion on this yet but I do know that Biphosphinates do have some serious side effects. Anyone on hormonal deprivation therapy is likely also taking a biphosphinate (probably should be at least) such as Fosamax (sodium alendronate) or like drug. I had been on sodium alendronate weekly while on Lupron.
Just a note:
Nick Vogelzang spoke at length about
the positive side of these drugs during extensive HT therapies. He said that they outweigh the negative side which included NJB or necrosis of the jawbone. The reason men with prostate cancer who are on HT will take biphosphinates is to prevent osteoporoses which is a more serious issue that NJB or femur breaks as alluded to in this article. But if these are such possibilities then we should be aware of them.