First a clarification on Dennis Hopper ~ Mr. Hopper according to his public records died after a 9 year battle with prostate cancer.
Here is that record: probably happened in his case is simple misreporting. I saw some article that said he died of pancreatic cancer but I knew it was untrue. When Mr. Hopper stopped working shortly before his death it was being reported that he was just recently diagnosed but as you can see from the certificate the battle was 9 years. I also had heard a report in an interview that Mr, Hopper had faught for quite some time before it was made public.
We don't know that this person was just diagnosed or not. But as Zufus says there are forms of the disease that are very fast acting ~ Small Cell Sarcoma being one of them. Additionally, I too have witnessed cases online that seem to defy logic but I have determined that we are not always using the best logic in saying prostate cancer is a slow disease that takes years to kill you. This may be true in 99% of cases involving mortality, but it is important to note that there are many men that are not diagnosed until a critical organ is in shutdown. They indeed may have been asymptomatic at Dx.
Cancer does not always follow the rules. This is why we try to set guidelines for treatment (or non-treatment) knowing that we may have to change our thinking.