tarhoosier said...
A If you have had shingles before as I have, then the vaccine is not for you.
My wife has had shingles TWICE. After the last bout with it, our Doc indicated that she should definitely get the shot but wait about
a year after the shingles diagnosis to get it. Both of her episodes with shingles were pretty mild but this disease is known to cause havoc for some folks. Some even get the blisters in their mouth, throat, eyes, almost any place on their body and possibly even internally. I received my shingles shot, flu, pneumonia and lock jaw shots not long ago so should be in pretty good shape other than having PC. We each paid right at $182 for the shingles shot alone.
It's getting costly in our attempts to stay well.
I was reminded that our son also had a mild bout with shingles about
two years ago at age 35 so it's not limited to us more "mature" folks.