Posted 10/29/2010 5:02 PM (GMT 0)
Definitely hard to say. When he first went on Lupron, it didn't drop his PSA, -however-, he had foley catheters in and out and lots of bleeding during those first several months, so the PSA tests weren't really meaningful.
Just to be clear, he did not have surgery, his primary treatment was ADT, IMRT and low dose Taxotere (all as part of a study).
To say the past year has been a rough and painful trip for him would be a gross understatement, but things have finally been looking up since mid-August.
Father 65 y/o at diagnosis November 2009
Gleason 9 & 10, stage 3 - seminal vesicle involvement
Two TURPs mid Nov. 2009
Foley Catheter
Casodex for last two weeks of November '09, then Lupron.
Suprapubic Catheter March 18th, but blocked right away, back to Foley...
Started IMRT March 25th, Chemo on hold due to catheter bleeding issues, etc.
Ended IMRT and Chemo (Taxotere) late May
PSA July - .21
PSA late Oct - <.003