I met this gentleman online. I emailed him, told him about HW, and invited him to join. He mentioned he tried to join, but finds it difficult to login, etc... Perhaps he will down the road and I will continue to encourage him. He did say that I can share his story.
These are the facts as I know them currently:
- He had a low PSA, but aggressive PC, going into surgery (less than 2 I think).
- RP in 1994. It was found to be a Gleason 9 and had lymph node involvement. PSA after surgery was undetectable.
- Doesn't need Lupron because Mayo clinic did castration.
- HT: started on what he calls, "triple blockcade": Casodex, Proscar and/or Avodart. I think he says he is still on these.
- He mentioned taking D3, resveratrol, Lycopent, genestein, Pomegranate, and quercetin for years.
If it wasn't interesting enough already - He had a twin brother who had G9, but unfortunately passed away 6 years ago. He told me that his brother was not aggressive enough in his treatment plan.
He is a big proponent of the ultrasenstive PSA test.
If I get more information that is relevant, I will pass it on.
Jerry L.