Well, we had our support group meeting tonight. I will invite Roadrunner to comment, as he was also there.
It was not a good meeting -- rather shocking, in fact.
First of all, the speaker went over a lot of basic stuff that I'm sure everyone knew (and certainlly most of the regulars on HW would know). He gave assorted scenarios and invited comments about what tx. would be best. I won't bother to elaborate. Basic stuff, but okay.
But then the question came up: person has surgery. PSA starts rising. At what level does one decide to get further tx. such as SRT. Well, he said 2.0. I questioned him on that, stating that 0.2, not 2.0, is often cited as a critical value. He INSISTED it was 2.0. The guy who asked this is in this situation. I think his PSA is about .09 or maybe 0.11. The doctor repeated quite a few times that the number should be 2.0 before starting SRT. As far as I know, 2.0 is the point where it's probably too late for SRT.
This, from a medical oncologist.
Roadrunner, did I lose something in the translation?