My surgery went well with Dr. Pow-Sang at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. (Thursday June 2) I was two hours delayed getting to sugery due to a complication in the operation in front of mine. My surgery took two hours, I was in recovery two hours, and out of hosital in about
24 hours (17 hours after surgery). Dr. Pow-Sang said he saw nothing in margins and surgery went "great" My prostate is (was) about
24 g.
At home,
I was on pain pills only one day, (ended Saturday)
day two(SAT):walked around house a lot and had a bowell movement
day three (SUN) walked around house more bowell movement rode in car (bowell movements regular now)
day four (Mon) coughed, blood began showing in urine, subsided after a few hours, rested
day five (Tue) walked ouside to local park 3 thimes (.4 mile max) drove about 20 mines
day six (Wed) went to meeting, supermarket. Had supermarket bag groceries and put in car, I emptied carefully and leaving heavier item for Nurse Wrachett (my wife Jean)
day seven did 2 errands, walked 30 minutes in a park
Nurse Wrachett and I are verry pleased with my progress. I have been taking 5,000mg of C and a B-100 complex. I have been resting a LOT and am not pushing anything,as suggested by many. many others said, follow Dr.s instructions.
The 20 page guide on HW was great!
Thanks for all of your support! You helped a lot!