Hello David. You know I'll always come back and check on you. I am so sad to read this recent post. There are many here who have made suggestions, and I have taken notes. I will be printing up your initial post for Ron, as well as Casey's posts.
I can feel your pain through your words. Ron feels he is so fortunate to be cancer free. He still has those days when he can play with the little Grandchildren. We both feel bad even though you don't ask for our sympathy. There are some excellent suggestions here, but I also know you have tried many of them. As you know, Ron went through the back surgery for three ruptured disks. Many of the suggestions here did help him. Now, it is a different story since he has testicular and side pain every day.
Last week, he went to two accupuncture sessions. They don't relieve the pain, however they help him relax. Maybe in that way they could help you? Everyone reacts differently to different treatments. I believe it was Susan who suggested that rest would at least build up your body so it can fight the pain. I hope you can find something that would allow you to sleep 6-7 hours straight.
Just would like to share the latest with Ron, if you don't mind? He went in for another pain procedure this week. This is the 5th one and there were more injections this time. They do medicate him while the injections are done in the testicle; there are none done in the side. He was in recovery one hour longer. The nurses put him in the car because his left leg was completely numb. I got him out of the car and helped him to the porch. Three long steps and a porch before we get in. Poor guy had to crawl up the steps and across the porch area because I couldn't hold him up. He crawled to his Lazy-Boy. I never felt so helpless. I thought about your wife and how brave she is.
At this point, Ron is just waiting for the severe pain to end. This is where your situation is so much worse because you cannot look forward to the pain easing up in a week. Ron's pain will lighten up some time next week. The doctor is hopeful that this new combination of injections will kill some of the pain to the nerves. I did not mean to complain. Please forgive me if my message comes across as being neglectful to you!
Please know that we are praying for you. I know you could handle the pain level that Ron experiences. I wish your pain level could go back to a much lesser degree or be completely relieved. I will come back to see what information the doctor has for you. God bless you, David.