I just met with my doctor last Friday to discuss biopsy results and treatment options for prostate cancer. The biopsy results were stage 1 or 2 cancer in three out of twenty-one samples appearing in both nodes of my prostate. The cancer is a 3 + 3 on the Gleason scale. The doctor believes the cancer is very localized.
Because I am a healthy 67 year old, the doctor encouraged me to consider choosing the Da Vinci prostatectomy because he feels it offers the best results and over-all prognosis....but with no guarantees, of course.
I understand common side effects of this surgery are incontinence and impotence. Since I have had ED most of my adult life, ED shouldn't be a much of an issue, but it still is of course. I already use trimix for ED because Viagra and other pills are not very effective for me. Currently I urinate frequently and sometimes with considerable urgency, but I am far from incontinent and surely do want to become so.
I expect the doctor's office to call sometime next week to schedule the surgery. However, I would very much like to hear from anyone with experience with this before I commit to the surgery.
One thing I am curious about is what sex is like if one has no ejaculate. I mean, is it anti-climatical....should be a joke, but it isn't. I am dead serious.
Thanks in advance for any advice,