Not sure why, but I have been thinking for a few days about your post. I think I have come to the conclusion that you are just a nice guy. Your compassion is for the guy that can't get into the zero club. Kudos to that.
But in some respects, you can not dictate whether you are in the club or not. If your PSA is <.1, you're in the club. Sort of like having good eyes. If you have 20-20 eyes, you are in the perfect vision club. You can have emotions about those that have to wear glasses, but you're in the club.
To answer your original question - Yes, indeed. I have seen several G-9s remain as members of the zero club for years. Some for the rest of their I know on his 18th year.
So, even though you don't want to be in the club, you are. So, enjoy it. Respect the guys with glasses, but don't feel bad for them...just support them.
Jerry L.