For anyone interested:
We had an appt. with UCSF to go over test results from Stanford after my husband had the sodium floride test that found his met in spine. UCSF had round table discussion with heads of Radiation, and Uro- Oncology and they agreed that my husband is a good candidate for radiating his spine.
She said it wasn't dire at this point and suggested if HT is keeping his PSA under control we could wait for our break in the HT treatment.
Here's the dilema for us, she said it would be difficult to find a Radiation Onc. that would be willing or can even do it.
Since UCSF is out of our HMO it would be cost prohibitive.
We do have 2 Oncologists here in our network that we have seen, so my question is: Any advice on what questions to ask local RO. to be certain he knows how to attack the spine with radiation
Has anyone expeirenced this situation??????
One of the onc. we saw is a URO- ONC. and the other is just a Radiation Onc, who is fairly aggressive, as I think we need to attack this aggressively.