heywooddonknow said...
I've noticed reading literaure that most implant canidates are prefered to be a Gleason 6, my test are a 7 at a 4+3 is there a huge diffrence between 6 to 7. ,that this less invasive procedure is wishfull thinking?
There is also a difference between a G7 that is 3+4 vs 4+3. The clinical stage also plays a roll. Is the cancer contained in the prostate? To many variables for me to say. But I think all options are
open to you right now - I can't think of anything that would automatically rule out any treatment option at this point. I did beam radiation at G7 and the docs gave me very good odds with that.
In your place I'd just make a giant list of questions like that and take it to the appointment. A lot of guys in your place opt for surgery but that isn't only choice.
The good thing now is that you've got plenty of time to make a good choice for you. First work on getting over the shock and learn the facts about
your case. Don't let anyone push you into a treatment until your brain and gut agree it's the right thing to do.
I think you'll do just fine. and if you really think one treatment is better for you than another find out all you can.
When I went to my appointment after the biopsy I found that after discussing my case and medical history that surgery was quickly eliminated - I don't tolerate general antistatic well and the risk of surgery compared to other options wasn't worth it. It was strange to have a surgeon telling me the she thought radiation would be a better option for me. Now the weird thing to me is that I have a brother that also has PC and he went the surgery route and is doing just fine.
all the best.