I had a scare with a series of high PSA tests back late last year,
I've posted on another board and the people there were supportive and
helpful. My numbers were as follows :
first test : 8.5
second test (after 10 days of Cipro) : 6
free psa (done at time of second test) : 10%
sent to urologist
negative DRE (said it was small and round)
12 core biopsy taken : negative all cores
3 month follow-up PSA : 0.6
So I've taken another PSA as a 3 month follow-up to the last and
find out on the 29th what that is (hopefully it will be low as well).
At the time of the first PSA test, I had a miniature nervous
breakdown and ended up in the Psych ER. They've put me on Celexa once
a day. It's helped with the anxiety. I've had frequent tailbone pain
and pain in my side. I was reading something today about people who's
cancer has metastasized to the bones. Don't ask me why, but I read it
and had an anxiety attack.
Is there anything that can make
this anxiety go away? I know I'm probably just being a fool.