Google search for Bolla abstract studies, the findings from those earlier studies was that patients whom did HT therapies for approx. 6 months prior to radiations in fact did better and had longer survival times. Other studies may also be out there with some evidences of such results. You are stacking the deck for your most favorable outcome is the idea. Mono therapy on casodex can give good results, so can Lupron and those LHRH drugs in that family. Some patients do combo therapy for even more possible dramatic results, like ADT2 or ADT3 combos and may continue with them after radiations to a pre-set duration, perhaps 1-3 years as we see some patients doing or advised to do by their docs.
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things like possible radiation bounce,( post treatments) and what to expect for nadir level psa and when that might happen. Also, learn about
possible side effects or any red flags during or after radiations. See for information and patient histories with this type of protocol (listed) therein. I did ADT3 prior to radiations per the Bolla Studies concept back in 2002, I was refused surgery by Dr. Menon because my stats were to high (much worse than yours) and got many other opinions before deciding upon this concept. Results can vary in patients but stacking the odds for more favorable outcome seems like a good concept. has a separate group thing for radiation folks to share info and results, you might wish to join such groups