Maybe this:
PSA-11/09-4.2- PSAf: 24%, PCA3=75 .
Biopsy 11/30/09-GS 4+3=7
RP: 1/10. GS 4+3. PNI, EPE, Pos. Mar.:Yes, focal 1- .5mm. No SVI. Nodes clr.
100% continent by 3/10.
PSA: 3/10-.01, 6/10-.02, 9/10-.06, 1/11-.13, 3/11-.27.
SRT 5/11: PSA 7/11-.60, 8/11-.75, 11/11-1.38, 12/11-1.97, 2/12-3.43, 3/12-2.28, 4/12-2.44, 5/12-2.52
Mel, here's one way, reducing spaces, extra zero's and dropping some unimportant stuff like days of the month, gains you some more lines to add to. I've found that the farther away I get from the beginning it is less important the early stuff is in painting a picture of my journey. Eaxmples above, the PSAf and PCA3, and the fact that there were clear SVC and Nodes. The positive margain sorta overrides all the no's. At least that's my thoughts in trying to continue to fit my ever lengthening sig, to fit the allowance.
Or you can write a book and copy and paste. (tongue in cheek)
Just kiddin' ya. Anyways, hope that helps.