I would ask, just for the record, if the doctor had changed labs (mine has more than once because of the insurance company demands), or if the lab had new / updated equipment, and if they changed reporting standards.
All this because of the .1 > .2 swings. Is it really a .1 increase, or are they testing at a more precise level and rounding? We've seen one member whose lab does ultrasensitive but rounds it because of his medical care center's reporting rules. So 0.10 > 0.14 is .1, and 0.15 > 0.19 is .2 - in his case a .01 change would show up very abruptly but mean virtually nothing.
I would watch it, perhaps get an ultra-sensitive just to compare, but I would hold off the panic button unless it started doubling.
PCa seems to be the gift that keeps on giving.