Hi David ~ it was time for some catch-up reading. My heart goes out to my pal, Bud and I know Mel has a lot of decisions to make. With you, it's like checking up on a dear friend I haven't seen for awhile. Ron always asks about
you and realizes how lucky he has been.
People care about you so much. When new folks join in, they often don't know the background of your complicated medical journey. As I was reading this thread, I was thinking what a special relationship/friendship you have with Sephie. I am glad she is here. (Sephie, I think I would love to have you as a friend out here. You are very wise.)
Often, she will write what I am feeling but I don't write as well!
My heart is always saddened by recent news. We think about you often...and how brave Peg is. It is good that she is working and I pray her healing is right on schedule. How is your book writing going? As I have suggested, it would b well to perhaps find some of your early comments and move from there. You are such a good communicator. I am so glad I got to hear and see your video.
It is good that you reconnected with the nutritionist on staff. I wish you had better news about the weight and muscle tone of your body. Yours has been such a difficult journey. May God continue to give you strength in dealing with your pain!