you said...
I am not worried about the loss of libido. Occassional hot flashes and sweating is not a huge concern if it is not too long too often.
I am worried about joint pain, loss of muscle mass, weight gain. I think some of this can be counteracted if I get off my butt and return to my gym workouts.
I've often found it odd how we strain at gnats and swallow camels here on the forum. For me HT has always been a camel. I've avoided complaining about
it lately since a number of members are struggling with the decision on various sides and I know my problems with it are personal. I expected to hate it before I started and now that I am on it I do. One of the members I didn't want to worry with my personal complaints was you, mel. You seemed to have the camel mostly down and to have found some peace about
it. It's a good therapy but I just happen to dislike some of the common side effects.
But, if you are being honest with us and with yourself in the above then I can tell you that, if your experience is like mine you should do fine. I did struggle for a while with brain fog but that seems to have been related to depression, mostly, and adding an anti-depressant to my regimen has mostly cleared it up.
Hit the gym hard. Keep that good attitude and you'll do fine.
If you read Morgentaler closely you will see that he doesn't contest the usefulness of hormone therapy in treating prostate cancer. He argues, in effect that there are two levels of T that are sensible: Castrate levels suppress the growth of PC but have all the low-T side effects; Normal levels of T give men normal lives but allow the PCa to grow. He argues that levels in between have the worst effects of both without the benefits of either. It allows the PC to grow but still makes the man miserable and unhealthy.