Dr. Strum is now giving internet replies again on the forum thing called P2P and just answered a patient concerned with HGPIN issues, his answers therein were very good as usual. He then announced he has a new book out and should be available as of today, here is that added reply on his ebook:
I am in the process of completing an eBook on
Essential Concepts in Survival for PC
patients. Much of this would be applicable to
you. I hope to have it up on Amazon's Kindle
books today or tomorrow. You can download this
for any computer or device e.g., desktop, laptop,
iPad, Android, iPhone, Kindle Fire, etc. You do
need to have the free software available from
Amazon. Google "Kindle Apps" or perhaps Nancy
will inform you how to do this. This eBook does
not require purchase, but it can be loaned out
for free (although the $9.99) is certainly reasonable.
(Myself always impressed with his wisdom and background, not only a long time PCa specialist but also has pathology background and in touch with the latest and greatest in PCa issues and knowledge, he told me he reads like everything, all those Journal articles like ASCO alone would be a huge task). Perhaps the paperback book will be coming thereafter sometime?