Hello: You seem to be folowing my path exactly. At 9 months, I was getting only minor erections with stimulation plus Cialis. I had been getting nocturnals since surgery and found that the Cialis (5 mg. per night) was indeed helping this. I started Bimix injections at 6 months post RP and that worked well. I noticed as the months went on, there was a definite "upwards trend" with ED improvement. I also noticed as my natural erections improved, Bimix injections became LESS effective and I figure that was due increased blood flow diluting and flushing out the Bimix. At roughly 15 months post RP, I had normal intercourse with only 20 mg. of Cialis. With this landmark, a definite mental milestone was reached and I no longer thought of myself as somewhat of a freak and my libido got back to post-surgery levels. Now at 19 months, I can achieve 100% erections with Cialis. Yes, it takes a little more visual, mental, and stimulative effort to get there, but I am most happy at 19 months.
My ED specialist told me that it would be a long road, but since I was in good shape, only 58, and had no prior ED or incontinence post surgery; I figured that I would be back in the saddle at 6 months. This was not the case and I became quite depressed. This only made ED / low libido even worse. So, this is my take on YOUR situation...Nocturnals are good-the blood hydraulic system works. Slight erections are a very good sign and these will improve with more time. I had good days and then days that were not as strong, but the trend over time was one of improvement. The best thing is to calm down and try not to worry because you are still in the early stages of healing. Erections will surely improve over time and worrying as I did will surely only hamper erections. So try to relax and let things heal!
Bill K.
New Jersey