Good evening all,
My husband had High Dose radiation, which was followed by 6 weeks of External Beam radiation last May/June. He has his "final" Lupron injection in late November.
Things have been going reasonably well with very few hiccups until the last week or so when he has started to experience urinary problems, ie. extreme urgency as well as frequency. He is not due to see specialist until June. As before, he has found Voltaren a great help in this, but obviously cannot take it on a prolonged basis.
I thought I had read of other members having similar problems, well after the completion of radiation. Are there any others in the same situation? Is this fairly normal? (not that there is anything at all that is "normal" about Cancer.) I would be grateful of any input.
Thank you
PS (Edited to state that HT stopped for a while to monitor how things are going). HT may need to continue depending on PSA and other findings.