This never ending topic / discussion never ceases to amaze me.
We all need to be our own health care advocate - educated, learned, in touch with our medical condition(s), whatever that may be, PCa of course included. IMHO I WANT to be tested, and I - after being fully educated, learned and in touch with what the results of the respective tests are - will make the decision as to whether or not, and if so, how I will be treated. My personal physician works very closely with my health and well being, and has done so for over 15 years - including PSA testing starting at age 50 and then annually after that; I also have annual blood draws for the full lab work including cholesterol levels, triglycerides and all of the rest; I monitor my blood pressure on a regular basis and keep my doctor aware of the results. And through all of this I decide on what to do about
the results of these tests.
So then my doctor suggested starting PSA at age 50 to develop a base line and monitor; I could have said "no thanks" but I was in tune enough about
male health that I agreed. At age 55 when my PSA reached 5.8 after a slow progression over time, my doctor recommended a biopsy - and because I was in tune with what that meant, combined with the results of testing, I agreed. After the biopsy and reads of my slides by two seperate/qualified labs I continued my research and understanding of PCa and the various treatment approaches and made my decision, was treated, and am not looking back.
I have to say that I honestly don't get all of this - to me, it really is as simple as I believe and have stated here....... and to anyone that blindly goes along with something that they don't understand, then shame on you - then YOU have become the problem, not over-diagnosing nor over-treating.
Whew, glad I finally got that off my chest!
Edited to comment that I posted a very similar comment to the "Official Statement from the AUA" thread.