Bersey said...
My dad has been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer after a prostatectomy. His Gleason score is 2+3=5. He had invasive adenocarsinoma three months ago. There still is blood in urine occasionally while he urinates. In addition, mononuclear infection cell infiltration was detected. He is 72 years old and had by-pass surgery ten years ago. His diabetes is under control with a pill. Nothing major interms of his insulin level. Just wanted to get a better sense of what to think since his doctor is not sharing much with us. Only think I know is he is getting an injection every three months along with blood work.
Looking forward to hearing from you guys and thank you so much in advance for all the support.
Hi Ber,
Because of his age he might not be a candidate for a radical prostatectomy after the prostatectomy (also kown as a TURP).
Your Dad should get a bone scan to rule out bone metastasis and if negative he should be a good candidate for what is known as Active Surveillance (AS). Be sure that his treating doctor is current about
what is required with AS to prevent further progression. I would question the injection every three months w/o signs of metastasis.
Wish you and your Dad the best possible outcome,