A couple of years ago I talked hubby into adopting a Chihuahua (we had never had an indoor pet because we are a little OCD about house cleanliness). Our Chihuahua loved us and wanted to protect our favorite belongings by "marking it with his pee". Hubby's leather recliner, edge of the bed comforter, and the desk leg where computer sits were our favorite places and of course his best loved pee spots. No plastic bag could enter the house without him blessing it with pee.
My hubby decided the dog was out of here so I quickly bought him a doggie diaper. Dog hated the diaper! So we found a good home for him and had the carpet professionally cleaned.
Hubby says now he has been paid back by the Chihuahua. He doesn't mark but soaks up the pads (but I'm not looking for a new home for him).