PREAMBLE: During our brief meeting in Chicago I ignored Yoop's warning to "bite my tongue" and both you and Tony let me ramble, and I'm sure that I demonstrated my minimal intelligence, lack of knowledge, and distrust of "evidenced based science"; both my heart and ego are huge however. In the absence of my "life's experiences", I might agree with your hypothetical doctor's recommendation but most probably would not. In the past I have called Clocknut the "voice of reason" and he continues to hold that spot. My reply to this doctor most likely would be as follows"
"Doctor, 2 weeks ago I peed in a cup and donated blood for the tests which we have just reviewed; the AIC indicates my diabetes is under control while my liver, thyroid, kidney, vitamin D, and cholestrol tests are mostly within normal ranges except for my triglycerides which are high. I appreciate your arranging for the cortisone shot for my osteoarthritis in my right knee. Yes, I had the EKG and sonogram like you recommended after I fell on my face twice; no evidence of stroke was detected so probably it was the combination of drugs that I'm on.
Now, you are recommending discontinuing a test that I've had for years. I have limited knowledge of PCa but I have read that the average age at death from PCa is 80 and that it can be a miserable death. We've briefly discussed the USPSTF's recommendation, the DOD's implementation of it, and your disagreement. I don't know whose genes I have but my dad died of a heart attack at age 61 and my mother died at age 95 last summer. At her funeral, my cousin, a Catholic priest, informed me that his brother in Alaska has both parkinson's and PCa and is "watching his numbers". Last week I met with my older brother-in-law probably for the last time since he's dying of both colon and bladder cancer. When I left, my younger sister informed me that she was going in for a 2nd surgical opinion on Tuesday. I called her yesterday and she is scheduled for cancer surgery on 6 November.
I really don't understand why you want to discontinue the PSA test. I realize that I'll probably die of a heart attack or lung cancer, but if I get PCa I would like to know; at that point I'll educate myself and with your help make my own decisions . Are you in or out?
Casey, I'll never make it to age 75 but if I do I'll be much more mellow and would probably agree with your doctor--who knows. Oh, the info I provided is correct..My recommendation--"Don't get old".