Hummbug has new information and is feeling a bit all alone. I am making a bit of noise to get him more attention.
Hummbug said...
Saw our oncologist today. He has put me on nilutamide to see how this goes. Also referring me to the BC Cancer Agency and Dr. Kim Chi, medical director of the Clinical Trials Unit there, with a special interest in PCa. He said I was someone that doctors would love to have in trials since I am "young" and "fit." He mentioned vaccine therapy, gene therapy and immuno-therapy. Also said that my numbers are typical of someone with CRPCa but that is could be some other thing happening (he put it more professionally than that). He referred to the nilutamide as "short-term" and the trials as long-term. My wife is also planning a couple of days off for her birthday, so we can visit Scholtz/Lam. (I'm seeing to it that she gets more than this. She's my rock.) @Adjust thanks again for the trial refs. I'll mention those.