I found out eight weeks ago, seems longer, that I'm 3+3=6, only one needle core out of twelve with 5% cancer.
Panic set in for most of the first two weeks, then depression. As I read and learned more about
prostate cancer, it became a bit easier to deal with. Still tough though.
I met with a local surgeon who's performed just over 300 di vinci operations. He says to stick with AS with PSA testing every three months, followed by another biopsy at the twelve month mark. So, he isn't pushing surgery.
I scheduled a second opinion with a surgeon up at Johns Hopkins who has performed over 1400 di vinci operations. He recommended a Prostate MRI with contrast, which is scheduled for the 3rd of March. I'm hoping the MRI will map out the exact
location/size of the tumor and provide me with more information as to what to do.
With my problems dealing with low stream, starting and stopping, etc. I'm not a good candidate for radiation, although I am reading a book on proton radiation which is interesting.
Then there's the Sperling group up in New York who want to take out the cancer with a laser guided by MRI. All I have to do is bring a check for 35 grand with hopes that the insurance company will reimburse me 70%. They've only had just over 300 patients thus far and no one seems to know much about
So, what do you do? Seems my choices for now are AS and maybe surgery later. In some respects, I believe I would have been better off not knowing I even had prostate cancer. At least that's what I feel like at times.
I am involved with a Man to Man group and the second meeting is coming up on the 28th. It's interesting. Most of the guys in the group who are my age or maybe eight years older, had surgery and seem happy that they did. I turn 60 in March.
For you guys who have made a choice for treatment and have it done with, I'm envious. For now, I'm learning all I can and hope to make the right decision when the time comes. This forum has helped a lot. Although I don't post often, I've read a lot. Thanks...Ed.
Post Edited (foxbo54) : 2/15/2014 7:15:25 AM (GMT-7)