You guys that got some continence fairly quickly, did you do Kegel exercises? Do you think it actually helps?
I have seen some directions that say to contract for 3 seconds, relax for 3, repeat X 10 building up to 10 sets a day, and to do them in a variety or positions.
Others say hold for 10 seconds X 10 reps X 10 sets a day. What has worked for you guys?
And finally, there is Walsh's ( of Johns Hopkins) recommendation. He should know what he is talking about
, right? :
Walsh: "Next, every time you urinate, do it standing up. You can't practice the following
exercises, which strengthen the external sphincter and speed up your recover of urinary
control, while you're sitting down.
Start your stream, and once it's in full force, stop the stream by contracting the
muscles in your buttocks- not your abdominal muscles, not the muscle up in front around the
penis. Tighten your buttocks; imagine you're trying to hold a quarter between your cheeks.
Hold the urine back for five or ten seconds, and repeat as many times as you can. Note:
Perform these exercises only when you're urinating; if you keep contracting these muscles
throughout the day, you'll overdo it. The sphincter tires easily, and you'll end up wetter than
you would be otherwise. "
Well that seems quite different than the usual Kegel exercises. I was amazed to find I could actually stop my stream doing this. But which is better? I have doing a little of both. Thankfully, I have had little trouble staying dry while sleeping, or while sitting. When I get up, even if after a couple of hours sitting or several hours sleeping and really having to go, I have so far been able to hold it until I am over the toilet. Then I can let er rip with a very strong stream, and can stop my stream and hold it for 10 secs either with traditional Kegels or by clinching my butt as described by Walsh.
But if, after voiding a good bit like that, I am standing or walking, I am still pretty wet after I leave the bathroom, 2 weeks after the cath came out. There is always more and if I am up it is going to come out. I am faithfully doing either the Kegels or the Walsh method. I think it is getting slightly better each day.
Has any one here done the Kegels, or maybe the Walsh method? Do you think it helped? Should I be doing the Kegels, hold for how long and how many sets per day? Or should I do Walsh's method? Walsh is the only one I have seen that suggests that method.
Post Edited (BillyBob@388) : 3/20/2014 6:53:47 AM (GMT-6)