I like to bring a case of oligomestastatic disease from Germany to your attention. This is a case, reported by Prof. Frederik Wenz from the University of Mannheim/Germany, who presented a case report at the "1st Symposium on Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer held in Düsseldorf in december 2013. This is a Gs:5+4 guy, like me, who have a PCA since 04/2003 and underwent several treatments, including ADT, RT, Chemo; Abiraterone and RT again and again. Current status KPS:100% 77Kg PSA:0.9ng/ml, and playing golf every day – sadly not like me!
I am a GS:5+4 guy like the pts. Prof. Wenz reported, but underwent primary RT(EBRT+HDR), ADT and RT to the bone mets 5 years ago. 2nd iADT endet Jan-2014, Testosterone ~300, PSA < 0.008ng/ml. AND playing golf every sunday!