As I posted on your other thread, I was told to start Viagra 72 hours after the catheter was removed just to get blood flowing to the nerves.
I actually attended an ED/Incontinence seminar the afternoon my catheter was removed. It was put on by the staff of my surgeon at the hospital. He has one every Monday and that just happened to be the day my cath was removed. Representatives from a VED company were there to explain the use and purpose of the pump and to help fill out the paperwork to order one. It was totally covered by my insurance plan.
We were told what to expect and what our rehab plan was going to be, given literature and saw a slide presentation. Most everyone had their wives or partners with them at the seminar.
You do need to use it before you loose it but you need to allow some healing time first. It was a very complicated surgery and you don't want to start too soon.
My doctor didn't order the first PSA test until 3 months post-op. 30 days after surgery sounds a little too soon compared to most of the guys here.
Bill from Florida