Hi there,
I am researching the benefits of being kind and compassionate to yourself after being diagnosed with cancer. This research aims to further our understanding of how to best support people after they are diagnosed with cancer. The research is sponsored by the Humber NHS Foundation Trust and is being carried out as part of my training in Clinical Psychology at The University of Hull.
I am looking for volunteers who
<redacted> Thank you for your interest!
Leah Glover
Trainee Clinical Psychologist
Humber NHS Foundation Trust
Hello Leah, I've deleted most of your post because you seem to have skipped a step for posting such things here on our forum. They require prior authorization from our administrator which you don't mention having received. If you read our forum rules (link at the top of the screen) you will see that covered under rule 5. You can email our Administrator by clicking the envelope icon under his screen name on the left side of the list of rules.
--PeterDisAbelard (moderator)Post Edited By Moderator (PeterDisAbelard.) : 7/31/2014 7:45:31 AM (GMT-6)