I couldn't sleep this morning so I got up and checked on Healing Well and saw your post. Maybe I needed to wake up and see it.
My stats are just like you, Gleason 3+4=7, stage t3a. My doctor gave me some Xanax to deal with the anxiety when first DX.
Don't give up, you can win this battle for yourself AND your family. You are all in this together. I was diagnosed at 61 and am now over 2 years out. I had all the side effects of surgery and I am still glad I fought it.
I had a catheter for 6 days while I was healing from the surgery. It wasn't wonderful but hey, it was just 6 days of my life, easy trade off to live a little longer. And I was never able to gain complete continence but I had another surgery this year that corrected that and now I am dry.
Sex, yes it was and still is effected by the treatment but I can still have orgasms and now they are dry, no semen comes out any more! My wife loves that! In fact, my orgasms are stronger than before, if you can believe that.
Did you know that you can have an orgasm without a complete erection? They didn't tell me that at the doctor's office.
You mentioned indignity, well if you are going to fight this crap, you need to get over that because you will be pulling your pants down a lot from now on. Besides, no one sees the pads you will be wearing but you. 90% of men will be continent in the first year. I was one of the lucky ones, I guess and needed additional surgery to correct that. But hey, I didn't know that was possible until a year ago.
I just posted a new song on another thread that was written about
cancer awareness and how you can't do this alone. You are not "Superman"! Listen to it, please, and see if you don't feel better. I have listened to it over a dozen times in 24 hours and I am so happy I fought this battle.
Don't give up, for yourself AND your family. Everyone in your family is effected by YOUR CANCER so don't let them down.
Fight the fight! All of us have walked the walk before you. We all know someone who has died from this thing and it's not pretty.
A little pee never stopped me!
You're no Superman. The song I posted is off YouTube. Watch the video, over and over again. The guy singing the song just loss his father 2 weeks ago to cancer. His dad never went to the doctor to be checked. When he finally did. It was too late. It is not too late for you.
You are not alone any more. All the guys AND gals on Healing Well have your back now. We won't let you down!
Bill from Florida