Jeff, The whole idea of deferring ADT is to maintain QOL as long as possible. It doesn't mean that the guy will
never go on ADT, it just means that he will only go on ADT when symptoms, like painful mets, demand it. If there is no survival advantage to beginning ADT earlier, then its only purpose is palliative. There's no point in palliation when the man is feeling fine - it would be given later when it is needed to
keep him feeling fine.
I'm sure curative-intent treatment of oligometastatic disease has been discussed many times in this forum. Just put "oligometastatic" in the search bar to read more about
it. There have been about
a dozen small studies with up to 3 years median follow-up. Here's a meta-analysis that found that 17%-55% of men were progression free with up to 3 years of follow up, with no significant toxicities:
Advances in local and ablative treatment of oligometastasis in prostate cancer.A new study showed that recurrences following oligometastatic radiation therapy can be similarly re-treated (some call this "whack-a-mole" therapy) to prolong progression-free survival. about
a third of the men had no relapse, and among the re-treated men, which was able to delay ADT for a median 2 years. Results were much better among men with slower PSADT.
Repeated stereotactic body radiotherapy for oligometastatic prostate cancer recurrenceAll of the studies on oligometastatic PC require longer follow up to see whether the short term freedom from progression translates into longer PC-specific survival, or even true cures in some cases. However, since the toxicity is very low, what is the downside?
- Allen