goodlife said...
I am not a scientist or a doctor, but are just fooling ourselves with the non-detectable stuff ? Star tech, like myself tested <.01 for many months. Whether it is .01, .02,or .06, on a consistent basis, it us indeed detectable.
The real question is, does it matter. I happen to believe in trends, more than actual numbers. If we see it go from <.01 to any number, increasing over time, I think it establishes a trend, some argue it is benign prostate tissue. Where was if for z2 years, and why is it slowly, or rapidly increasing.
We can fool ourselves and say, I don't recognize it until it reaches .1 or .2, but it is still there, what I don't know is what to do about it.
I am looking seriously at Avodart. It appears to be a weak testosterone blocker. Not sure what it really does to the PC, but it appears to be effective in lowering PSA. Any comments would be appreciated.
Goodlife, I think you are making a really good point.