Hi ... sorry to hear about
the G9; i know how that feels.
There's lots of good news for you still. Nothing showed up on the scans, which is huge; you still caught it relatively early. Also, there are a few 'go to' treatments for your situation and they have very good results. (i'm thinking radiation and a few years of hormone therapy; but i'm not a doctor and you'll need a good medical oncologist.) And you'll hear from others who are closer in stats to your husband.
After that point, you can treat it as a chronic disease and that will take you very far. (Thinking of it that way changed my mindset a lot; for now it's like diabetes, something to be managed and watched.)
Two things i recommend:
1. I do encourage you to be vigilant. If the doctor wants your husband to get PSA tested every 3 months, find a way to do it every month. Respect the disease, don't let your guard down.
2. Our current medical establishment tends to under treat higher risk disease. If you're not getting the answers you want or feel like doctors are stuck in 'standard care', i encourage you to reach out to get second opinions as needed.
Enjoy life and be happy ... and don't quit putting money in the retirement fund yet