The lab tech took it upon themselves to omit the < and simply put .01 saying to themselves... .01 is as low as they go and patients probably don't even know what > is, so why confuse the patient. the majority of techs are professional enough to go by the book. Its just like the nurse will tell you one the phone , oh Its .01 even with a less caret there. They don't think its important. bored workers trying to be creative. Obviously this is all speculation on my part , but Ive had it done enough times to me and can not think of any reason they would do that. This is true, only if the < is in fact on the report. You could pursue it with the lab or doctor or to check if the cast is there. I bet it is. I had a .1 in std test, immediately had a ultra . it came back .07. Im not worried about
a .07 after 5 years, as a matter of fact. I don't even do psa tests any more. Fool,arrogant, gutsy, stupid dumb. thats my choice and really don't need any support other than my wife to be comfortable. If recure, oh well I'ill out live it and die. somethings got to be the cause of my death. What Me Worry/