MSK is certainly among the best at reading mpMRIs, so you should have some confidence in that. mpMRIs as used by an expert radiologist are very good at detecting GS7 or higher PC. They are not very good at detecting lower grade cancers, but that's not what they're looking for. Some higher grade cancers actually put out
less PSA than lower grade cancers, and as JackH said, PSA can go up for a whole lotta reasons that have nothing to do with cancer.
I like PHI better than PSA for AS tracking because it is less subject to confounding from those other sources. It was approved for use to prevent unnecessary biopsies but may be useful for AS too. It is inexpensive, but you can only get it from a registered physician - call the link below to find one nearby.
Prostate Health Index (PHI)Another very similar blood test, 4KScore, was invented by MSK so I'm sure they must offer it, but it is very expensive (about
$400) and not covered by insurance. Like PHI, it was developed as a more specific alternative to PSA to help prevent unnecessary biopsies, but it may be helpful for AS too. You might want to ask your doctor if MSK has any clinical trials going on for its use with AS.