So I am now 5 weeks out from my first Lupron shot, and I remain se free. For what it's worth, I told myself before the shot that I wouldn't have any and refused to read the big list of se. I realize I'm probably jinxing myself and will have the mother of all hot flashes as soon as I post this, quickly followed by succumbing to exhaustion, sleeping the next 14 hours and realize I've gained 20lbs when I wake up.
And in even better news, I actually have a butt again! When this first hit, I lost 25-30 pounds in a very short time, including most of my muscle in my legs and gluteus. My butt sagged so bad it looked like an 85 year olds. I noticed this morning it's back to its pre weight loss normal make flat butt ha ha!!!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend, and enjoying today. Deal with tomorrow when it comes.