Congratulations on getting Sartor as your doctor - one of the best!
Unfortunately, with your stage T3a, and a confirmed uPSA≥0.03, you probably will want to stop further progression with early salvage radiation. We have 3 major trials now that have shown an advantage to early treatment over waiting. As much as we hope it will go away, we have to deal with what's there. It's not going to go away and it's important to cut it off before it metastasizes. Especially important at your relatively young age. Since you are doing well in terms of SEs after your surgery, there's every hope that you will do well with the salvage radiation. It also bodes well that you caught it so early after its long dormancy. I'm sure Sartor will show you how good your odds are of curing it with SRT on a nomogram.
Here's an article about
early salvage, if you're interested:
When should the patient and doctor consider salvage radiation therapy?- Allen