You may want to check out "The New Prostate Cancer Infolink." Mike and I (mostly Mike) comments on technical research studies in language we hope the average patient can understand. Here's Mike's commentary on this aspect of the STAMPEDE trial:
Unexpected and perhaps intriguing data from the STAMPEDE trialSimply put, the combination of Celebrex and Zometa (Xgeva is probably OK too) improved failure-free survival by 23% in metastatic, hormone-sensitive men using hormone therapy. I think this finding was overshadowed by the principal STAMPEDE finding that early use of docetaxel was of great benefit.
You're right that doctors with heavy patient loads can't always keep up with all this stuff. There is nothing wrong with emailing a study to your doctor in advance of your meeting (it's polite to give him a chance to review and consider it), with a short note that you would like to discuss this at your next meeting to see if it's a good idea for you. Most doctors have come to expect this sort of thing from patients nowadays. Unless you have a heart condition, adding Celebrex to the mix of medicines you use, should be very safe.
- Allen