GFB said...
Who should take care of HT, urologist or medical oncologist?
HT is used in many different circumstances, so there is no one general answer. Also the term "take care" is vague.
The doctor who
prescribes HT will be an RO if you are having it adjuvant to radiation therapy; it will be an MO if you are seeing an MO for lifelong management of incurable PC; or it may be a urologist (or an MO) if you are getting it for palliative purposes on watchful waiting.
administers the HT may be different. Assuming you are talking about
an injectable, like Lupron, and not just pills, like Casodex, you should have it administered wherever it is less expensive. If your RO, for example, works in a hospital facility, you may incur hospital-use charges if you get your injection there. But if you get the same injection administered by your GP in his own office, you will only be charged for the cost of the drug and the GP visit.