Well, Movember gets mentioned today (Monday, Nov 7) in an internationally syndicated comic strip:
www.gocomics.com/frazz(Go to the panel for Nov. 7).
The strip, "Frazz,"
"… appears in 200 newspapers worldwide, including the Los Angeles Times, Seattle Times, Chicago Tribune and Detroit News. "A few years back, I wrote and illustrated a children's book," says (the strip's cartoonist) Jeff Mallett. "When I was traveling around reading it at school assemblies, I noticed that often, the most respected, best-liked grown-up in the building was the janitor. And I thought, 'Hmm, there's a comic strip in that.'" (From above link).
So with today's strip for "Frazz" appearing in 200-plus newspapers, that's certainly a good means for communicating November to a large audience, with the good that can come from that.