TC327 said...
Hi all...
....I knew I should have had a physical and just didn't. That one conversation with my friend ( who had PC and did the radiation) "woke me up" and I got a physical. Had I not run into him, who knows what would have happened. I have shared this story as well in my speeches AND I have had numerous men tell me afterwards that they went to the doctor. One friend had a PSA of 9 ( he is fine).
I'm really glad to see you came back. I quoted you above because - you pretty much described my own history. My wife and I ran a small business writing and marketing subscript
ion newsletters for a decade - 80 hour weeks, immovable deadlines, tense client meetings and contract negotiations, hiring staff and contractors. In short - the best working years of my life. On the other hand I let doctor and dentist appointments slide, i.e., I went 6 months with a rotator cuff that hurt so bad I couldn't lift my right arm much higher than my keyboard without a jolt of pain that would pretty much take my breath away, but I didn't want to risk some doctor sending me off for surgery, so I just sucked it up.
Long story short, when I finally saw a doctor my shoulder was much better, but I had a PSA of 9.4 and a biopsy that showed a heavy load of Gleason 7 PCa along with seminal vessicle invasion.
Had I gone to a doc earlier maybe I'd have got it while it was still confined to the prostate. But had I gone later I'd have probably been sent directly to ADT, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. So it goes.
Anyway, I just wanted to confirm my welcome to our little world, where there are guidelines, suggestions, other people's experience, statistics, opinions and more -- but all of which add up to no more than anyone's best guess at truth.