cvc, my PSA at a certain age vs yours , means nothing. Unless your PSA is super high, which yours is not, then you've nothing to worry about
. It's all about
the trend. So far you don't REALLY have an established trend. If your next PSA shows a jump similar to,the last one, it may be time for further investigation.
Until then the best advice I can give you is don't worry. Which makes me LOL, I wish I could follow my own advice.
But seriously...think about
it. Right now, you have a prostate. You can pee when you want, orgasm when you want, and live life how you want. Now fast forward to what ifs....what if 5 years from now you needed treatment. How terrible that you spent the 5 preceding years worrying about
it, while having orgasms and erections at will. Think about
that. 5 years that you'll never be able to get back.
Time to chill.
A wet orgasm is a terrible thing to waste.
I should add that to my signature block