RobLee said...
FWIW I have seen <.02 referred to as undete4ctable, or the lower limit of testing, and in cases of existing adverse pathology <.03 as the trigger point for SRT... but GG does not appear to have any. So I join the others here in suggesting that you relax a bit until several subsequent PSA tests might show a rising pattern.
And this is what made me anxious so I went and got the uPSA through an online lab because at our major teaching university they only test to <0.05 which is not low enough for the SRT trigger especially since we do have adverse pathology.
I am like you jaybee and would like to have a relationship with an RO now despite the fact we don't need them yet.
I'd feel like we're under the care of the next Dr. that would be treating him. Right now I feel a bit on my own since the surgeon only tests to <.05 if we do get the uPSA back at the trigger point I'll be on my own trying to find an RO so why wait until then because at that time I'll be more upset.
Doesn't it make sense to get my ducks in a row now and then also feel better that a doctor that's on the same page as far as SRT is watching his PSA?