RobLee said...
Initially my RO refused my request to prescribe Venlafaxine and instead prescribed a synthetic progesterone (Majestic or some such). Fortunately my GP did not want me taking the hormone, saying it could cause blood clots, and he did prescribe the Venlafaxine. It has reduced the intensity, frequency and duration of the hot flashes, plus it has done wonders for my emotional state and the moodiness brought about by the HT.
You're probably thinking of Megace (megesterol acetate). I was on it for over 2 years to help with hot flashes from Lupron+Casodex. The first year they came on after about
six months, and stayed at about
the same intensity for the remainder of my time on HT. Megace didn't eliminate them entirely, but reduced the number and severity by about
2/3, maybe more.
Oddly, today, I'm about
18 months after "release" of ADT, and I still get 2 or 3 hot flashes a day, and usually one at night. Onco has no explanation, says "can't happen". Well, it does, thank you very much. I know what they feel like, having had probably thousands of them (say average 6/day for 3*365 days, over 6000). How many has my onco had? Zero.